This album doesn't sum up my experiences of 2013, this is just my last walk around Toronto for the year. This year was most definitely memorable for good reasons and bad. I would have to say this year, I am saying goodbye to a lot of people in it and I am so glad. This year God's opened doors for me that I didn't even know I walked through, until I looked back and then looked forward again. There were a lot of hard times, so my perception of a lot of things have change immensely. Though I am going to use them productively while entering 2014 and ultimately entering my adulthood. So with that I say a thankyou to this year for all it had brought me and taught me and I welcome this upcoming year with open arms. 
Best wishes to you in 2014.
God Bless 
Farewell 2013

Farewell 2013

A Farewell to a good year filled with many lessons. As well a reflection on my growth in photography.
