Boys Do Cry
Awareness Campaign
In partnership with The Purple Door, students were tasked with creating an awareness campaign intended to educate the public on the harmful effects of harmful societal masculine norms through creative representation. The series should open a conversation up in the community about what these norms are, how they affect society, and what we can do to change them.

After research, I determined that much of the perpetuation of harmful societal masculine norms occurs during adolescence when learning to cope with emotion is vital. Focusing on this, I took a visual approach that both informs and represents that emotions and the responses they evoke are natural. Using a simplistic illustrative approach combined with hand-drawn type, I informed the reader of the normalcy of human emotion and how to foster helpful management in adolescent boys.
Awareness Campaign Poster
Boys Do Cry Informational Handout
Boys Do Cry Social Media Campaign
Boys Do Cry


Boys Do Cry
