Kayla Smith's profile

Austin New Music Center

Conceptual Rendering of Music Center from East side. Digital Painting over photograph taken at site.
Conceptual Rendering of entrance facade at South side. Digital Painting over photograph taken at site.
Diagram explaining the rules of massing to acheive this form.
Massing sketch of entrance facade. Colored pencil and adjustment in photoshop.
Massing sketches exploring "bite" step. Pencil and marker.
Massing Sketch exploring "bite" and "peel" steps.
Sketch of entrance facade, studying openings for cafe and performance entrances. Pencil, colored pencil, and marker.
Sketch of second story balcony, studying rainscreen weeps, seating, and planting. Pencil and marker.
Interior study exploring aperture conditions in individual practice rooms. Graphite.
Elevation sketches. Pencil and marker.
Sections through building.
Top: Section through performance entrance lobby and rehearsal hallway. These two zones are separate on the ground floor for a passage into the courtyard, and linked on the second floor by a recording studio and walkway.
Middle: Section through main performance space and outdoor stage. These two are connected and the performance space equipped with a sliding barn door to open up onto the courtyard for special performances.
Bottom: Section through long dimension of main performance space, showing various uses configured around the performance "seed". An door on the second level allows a small balcony access.
Rendered elevations. Line drawing modeled in revit, rendering in photoshop.
View from courtyard. Revit rendering.
Corner perspective rendering. Revit.
Plan level 1. Performance and rehearsal spaces, practice rooms, cafe, and support spaces.
Plan level 2. Recording studio between performance spaces, workshop, offices, balcony, support spaces.
Site plan with existing context. Line drawing modeled in revit, then rendered in photoshop.
Austin New Music Center

Austin New Music Center

The Austin New Music Center is a theoretical project for a real New Music organization in the city. The organization aims to cultivate innovation Read More
