Eldar Zakirov's profile

Fears of the Future

Fears of the Future

Illustration to the article about fears of the future.

For "Vokrug Sveta" — Russian famous scientifical popular
magazine with 150 years (since 1861) story.
#4 (2871) | April 2013

Art directed by Anton Fedorov.

March, 2013

Too wily the Chinese people, too clever Google, too obtuse earthlings, lack of robots... Scientists, philosophers and musicians are explaining what we should fear in the large article I was happy to illustrate.

Fears of the future described in the article. Explanations:

Genetically modified sheep, that has reached incredible proportions
for more wool, milk, meat. In the far away —
trains full of medicines, symbolizing the growing consumption of drugs:

Poor science, no need knowledge: books are sent to landfill because of uselessness.
As well as begging scientists:

Clown-like policians, aging of population,
Oriental people prevailing over Europeans:

Humans enslaved by machines and computers impacting on the thinking way of a person:

Also global warming and the increasing activity of the sun:

The magazine spread:
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Fears of the Future

Fears of the Future

Illustrations for magzines created in 2013
