George Siokas's profile

Thermae Hotel and Spa Complex

Thermae Complex
Hotel and Spa - Recreation

School of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering
Aristotle Universit yof Thessalobiki, GR

Date: January, 2006
Σιώκας Γιώργος | Siokas George
Κουτσαφτής Χρήστος | Koutsaftis Christos
Χελιδονόπουλος Αλεξανδρος | Helidonopoulos Alexandros
more info:
Thermae Masterplan
Thermae-Elevation, lake side
Thermae-Elevation, street side
Thermae-Plan main entrance hall (center), spa (left) and restaurant (right)
Thermae-Plan, room wings
Thermae-Room wings perp. section
Thermae-Rooms detailed/structural plan
Thermae Hotel and Spa Complex

Thermae Hotel and Spa Complex

Thermae hotel and spa complex in Thessaloniki, GR.
