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Sev Diamond Golden Ratio Logo Design

Golden Ratio Logo Design 

This series, which starts with the number 1, proceeds with the sum of the previous two digits followed by the second digit. In short, the sequence continues as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... (21 = 8 + 13, 13 = 8 + 5 ...). And in this series, the number of the previous part of each number gives a value close to 1.618 033. This number, which symbolizes the golden ratio, is referred to by the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet "fi" and indicated by the symbol "Φ".
The mathematician, who was the inventor of the Fibonacci series we mentioned earlier, observed that the ratio of consecutive numbers to each other indicates a certain number. Moreover, the larger the consecutive numbers, the closer the gold ratio. For example, the ratio of 5 to 3 is 1.666, the ratio of 21 to 13 is 1.625, while the ratio of 233 to 144 is equal to 1.618. As all of these numbers grow in consecutive numbers and values of the Fibonacci series, the division of the numbers closer to the golden ratio.

All Ratios ( 1.618 )
Letter heights, space between letters, aspect ratios between space and text and more ...

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Sev Diamond Golden Ratio Logo Design

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Sev Diamond Golden Ratio Logo Design
