Vallona winery

Bologna Rosso / Bologna Bianco
The famous wall surfaces of the city make the labels for Vallona's typical local wine.
High res photographs with paper embossing elaborate the warmth and tactility of this city and its walls.

Vivace / Pignoletto
(Sparkling / Still white wine, Pignoletto grape) 
The 2 new Pignoletto labels celebrate some of Vallona's historic elements, such as the triangle and the renewed emblem.
In Vivace's label triangles create a lively texture that expresses well this wine's mood and name.
Pignoletto's label is rather different from its sister label, using the same Vallona triangle element to create the label's silhouette. indented shape that recalls medieval aesthetic.
Logo restyling
(Old  >>  New)
The coat of arms of Vallona family had been re-illustrated and simplified holding together memory and contemporaneity. 
Vallona winery