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IOW 100.6 Concept Development & Idea Generation

IOW 100.6 - Concept Development & Idea Generation 

Brief Summary: 
This project introduces you to the process of concept generation and ideation. Various methods of thinking, including analytical, divergent (lateral) and metaphorical thinking, are explored in order to build a foundation for conceptual thinking skills. The aim of this project is to introduce you to the process of conceptual thinking as an active and engaging process that requires regular practice- a major part of the project revolves around brand conceptualisation and name generation, based on Carl Jung's theory of Archetypes, applied in a design and marketing context. This project requires youth engage with a set of resources that explore the process of conceptual thinking by engaging with 12 different Archetypes (Jung's theory) and select an archetype you could best relate. Next, you need to translate this Archetype persona into a new 'brand' by creating a band (or music group) of your choice. The band name must be newly generated and no existing names may be used. The link between the Archetype and the created band must be clever and well developed. The new band requires some merchandise as well, which will form your design deliverables.

Technical specifications: 
- Paper (Cartridge for exercises and process work and Fabriano for final)
- Gouache
- Technical instruments 

- Create a t-shirt design that embodies the personality of your brand. Some form of logo needs to be present on this design, depending on the nature and personality of the brand in question. 
- T-shirt design: A4 in size, executed in colour (using gouache) on Fabriano- with he t-shirt blueprint executed on it neatly. The final design needs to be mounted on A3 mounting board.
- Create a set of 3 buttons that tie with your brand concept. These need to be designated as icons that tie in with the visual personality of your brand . The buttons need to be executed on a. piece of Fabriano paper and mounted with the shirt design. Size of buttons must be 7cm in diameter.

In this project, the aim was to develop independent research skills and apply that research in an effective way to practice conceptual thinking skills. With that in mind, I was able to interpret the gathered research and  implement conceptual thinking to generate an effective and visually sound design solution. After researching Carl Jung's 12 Archetypes- I had to try and personalise my research and narrow down the results to an archetype that I believed represented my personality type well. After much research, I eventually did a personality type test to figure out what archetype I most related to and I eventually find the most relatable one and I could continue my research. 

Final Execution
Button execution 
IOW 100.6 Concept Development & Idea Generation

IOW 100.6 Concept Development & Idea Generation


Creative Fields