Dua Ibn Mashisha (part)

First of all, I would say thanks for the organisation or russian muslims — the Russian Murabitun and all those, who was involved in the translation and dissemination of such rare artifacts, diamonds (!) of Islamic heritage, like this . Yes , it's not multivolume archives .. But in order to love, we sometimes, need only — one look. Currently , the organization is under oppression of the Russian authorities. And many of its members are persecuted. And so, I will recite the words of the descendant of our Prophet , may Allah bless him and welcomes, Abdussalyamu ibn Mashish: “Thousandfold world welcome! Thousandfold world welcome! Thousands upon thousands of greetings world in our hearts!"

May the Almighty bless you, your family and those whom you love .
От кого хлынул струями свет,
В ком истины воспарили..

© мольба Абдуссаляма ибн Машиша
First, I just want to compare some letters with these recite..
Then, I see, that they can be writed separately.
"Not bad.. We can work with it" — I tell myself.
Looking for composition..
Yes. This is it!
And here..
Не знаю, видишь ли.. А может — слышишь?
Как бьется линий вокруг круга, хоровод. 
Как нестерпимо узнается символ..
Что гонит изо дня и в новый день, вперед.
Где два = один. Где Истина и Свет.
Где мир, рожденный, отражение Сути.
Где все наши мечты, так много лет,
Приобретают явленности сущность.
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Assalyamu aleykum.
Peace be with you.
Dua Ibn Mashisha


Dua Ibn Mashisha

Dua Ibn Mashisha (part)
