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The effects of fluoride removal water filter

The effects of fluoride removal water filter
   Fluoride is a naturally occurring substance. One of its well-known benefits is strengthening the teeth and boosting oral health. To give people access to fluoride, it's also added to water supplies. 

   This is also in the hopes of reducing tooth decay, especially among families in the low-income sector, where access to dental treatments or procedures may be scarce.

     Water fluoridation in Singapore

   The addition of fluoride to public tap water is also met with controversy due to possible negative health effects. Many oppose the idea, although oral health experts have already expressed support toward water fluoridation. 

   In Asia, Singapore is the first country to have its water supply fluoridated. The success of this project in Western countries inspired Singapore to follow suit. 

   Dental administrators in Singapore were concerned about the rate of dental caries or cavities among school children, so the country organized a comprehensive fluoridation programme to cover the entire population. 

   A 10-year study was then made to review the benefits of the said programme, and it showed a decrease in the rate of dental caries among children.

   To date, tap water in Singapore contains fluoride as a requirement by the Ministry of Health, and this has been implemented since 1957. 

   You might be thinking, then, what are the effects of removing fluoride in tap water. Do you feel comfortable having fluoride in your water or would you also like to filter it out? 

     Effects of fluoride removal in your tap water

   Since fluoride is present in tap water, the option you have, if you want it removed, is to use a fluoride removal water filter. You might still be on the fence, though, since several studies prove the importance of fluoride. 

   Let’s talk about two reasons why some opt out of fluoride, so later on, you can decide whether to do the same or not. 

1.) Too much fluoride can be bad for your health

   While fluoride can be beneficial, too much of it can also be harmful. This is also why dental professionals remind patients each time to not go overboard when using fluoride toothpastes. In the case of drinking water, high levels of fluoride may not only be bad for the teeth, but it can also lead to health problems such as arthritis, thyroid disease, kidney disease, and brain issues, among many others. It can also exacerbate existing health conditions. 

2.) Not all western countries have fluoridated water

   Until today, people have varying opinions about fluoridated water. Many western countries also don’t have fluoride in their water. This includes Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Italy. But if you look at European countries with the best oral health, Italy and Germany are included in the list. This is not to suggest a correlation between the status of oral health and water fluoridation, but it can be among the factors you can consider before investing in a water filter. 

   So, will you and your loved ones benefit more by taking out fluoride in your tap water? It helps to research further to see how this will impact your household, specifically. 

   And if you do decide to invest in a fluoride removal water filter, be sure you’re using high-quality products from trusted manufacturers. 

The effects of fluoride removal water filter

The effects of fluoride removal water filter


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