Aagomani 2011

The Annual Technical Festival of the Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay. I held the position of Manager, Publicity and Design.

It was held on 6th March 2011 and turned out to be a huge success, with a total of 25% increase over-all participation.

Aagomani Logo
Refurbished the logo for better Aesthetics and to create a Brand Identity
The College Round Poster
It was sent to about 80 of the prime colleges in and around Mumbai.

Event focused Posters
Event-wise posters were designed to increase the awareness of the events and hence to increase the over-all participation
It was used by the marketing team to carry out formal business with the Sponsors 
Formal Invites
Formal invites for Faculty, staff and similar to the Fest
Aagomani -Registration Pass front cover
Aagomani 2011

Aagomani 2011

Aagomani 2011 Manager, Publicity and Design


Creative Fields