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NickToons Rebrand Pitch

Nicktoons Rebrand Pitch
Nicktoons called us to participate in the pitch for their new worldwide rebrand. Sadly, we didn`t get the job :(, but we did some really nice things we wanted to share. Hope you like it!
Done by 2veinte
Creative Direction: Pablo Gostanian
Art Direction: Pablo Gostanian, Ezequiel Pini
Lead Design: Pablo Gostanian, Ezequiel Pini
Design: Andres Remazzina, Alex Gostanian
Animation: Juan Pablo Sciaccaluga
Production Director: Agustin Valcarenghi
Production: Vanessa Silva
more info: www.2veinte.com.ar
twitter: @2veintestudio
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twitter: @2veintestudio
NickToons Rebrand Pitch

NickToons Rebrand Pitch

Nicktoons called us to participate in the pitch for their new worldwide rebrand. Sadly, we didn`t get the job :(, but we did some really nice thi Read More
