A timeless and simple chair, made purely with norwegian pine. Good for you, good for the environment. Designed by Sander Kommedahl. "The chair is designed with a playful approach through experimenting with round log, balanced out with a mature and firm look. The name Kvart is norwegian for quarter and comes from the process of deviding a round log in four quarters. The four quarters which make up the legs, again create a circle, and the chair is whole." 

By choosing Norwegian pine, the chair is made not far from it's source, making it a sustainable choice for it's lifetime. The simplisity of the chair makes it timeless and adaptable in many arenas. Each part is easy to remove in case of repair. The backrest follows your natural movement, and the seat is shaped to your body. Both allow you to move freely and sit comfortable for longer periods of time. Kvart, simple, Scandinavian design, made to last, bringing joy into your home. 

