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Keep x SNK The King of Fighters'97 Boxing Class CG

Keep x SNK 拳皇'97 拳击体验课热血上线,卡扑动漫负责制作课程中的三维CG部分。实拍拳击教学搭配经典怀旧游戏画面从另一个角度展现拳击运动的魅力。我们这次用三维技术还原了几位拳皇主要角色形象,并在官方的指导下对角色的出招动作也逐一用三维画面呈现,希望能带给大家新奇的拳皇印象和美好的运动体验,本视频为课程部分CG内容,课程全部还请上Keep体验。

Keep x SNK 拳皇The King of Fighters'97 拳击体验课Boxing Class is now available online! Huge Claw is honored to produce the 3DCG part of the PV. Merging Kungfu into a classic fighting game by motion capture extremely shows the charisma of the characters in the King of Fighters well. Hope everyone has fun on Keep's boxing classes!
Keep x SNK The King of Fighters'97 Boxing Class CG

Keep x SNK The King of Fighters'97 Boxing Class CG
