Classical Book Project
UMSL Fall 2021
For this junior year project, the task was to develop a classically styled book imbued with a modern twist. The main body of text comes from the fictional work, Ghosts, by Haitian American Author, Edwidge Danticat. The secondary text piece was then selected and paired to help inform and enrich the body of work. This secondary text features excerpts and poems from other Haitian writers, such as Roxane Gay, Darnell Fine, and Emmanuel Ejen. Each piece, seeks to illustrate the collective struggle faced by the people of Haiti. The title itself, Dye Mon, Gen Mon, is taken from a Haitian proverb which translates in English to—Beyond the Mountains, More Mountains, meaning in essence that life is difficult. The book is set with the classical typeface Baskerville, as well as the handmade typeface, Filoselle to create an intriguing and unique experience.
Half Title, Copyright, and Dedication
Full Title
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction and pages 2-3
Pages 4-7
Chapter 2 Introduction and pages 10-11
Chapter 3 Introduction 
Pages 14-15
Pages 16-19
Chapter 4 Introduction
Pages 22-23
Pages 24-28
Classical Book Digital Experience
UMSL Fall 2021

To further develop the book project, a digital experience was created in the form of a website. Using animation and the variety of experiences that are unique to web, an extra element was added to the book.
Classical book

Classical book
