Jarosław Popławski's profile

A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step

About the album
”Thirteenth step" is the second album by the band A Perfect Cricle. It takes on the topic of addiction with each song being sung from a different persepctive. It used Twelve-step recovery program as it's structure, with each song relating to one of the steps in the program.
About the project
I wanted to try and illustrate the songs from the album and put it in a small book format. It's dimensions are 12 by 12 centimeters, allowing it to be used as CD booklet inserted into jewelcase box.
Main concept and Art style
The main idea was to use the form of a perfect circle, symbolizing the substance, the drug, as a repeating motive used in each illustration. It's an object of crave and desire but also cause of one's destruction and sufferingIt's also simple reference to the band's name.
Illustrations are made to look like frescoes on the concrete wall with almost religious motif. Silhouettes' design is based off church stained-glass windows. With red and brown colouring it looks like skinless muscle tissue. It enchances the feeling of a human tormented by his addiction, without appearing too gore.
Lyrics and typograpy
Typography in the lyrics, which is an illustration
in itself, was stylized to look like scribblins of a person on a drug cravings, barely able to hold on to the pen. Words with the most negative meaning are highlighted and enlarged.
A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step


A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step

Book Project
