Weekend Magazine 
Beginning of Craft week 1

Hi Tianna, I have not got all my RAW Files, while I was in the studio during my studio shoot, Jake was my assistant on that day, as I was taking my pictures of my model, it was not saying to my laptop through tethering. my laptop was connected to cloud storage.
Each picture I took was not saved, so the grey card that took my model holding were not saved.
It was Shahram that noticed that each picture overrides the previous one.
Jake then assisted me to take the autosave from the cloud.
So this is the reason why i do not have some of my Raw Files.
The model's first picture uses her right hand to touch her ear.
Medel's second picture put her left hand on her jaw.
Model's third picture uses her right hand supporting her left hand blowing a kiss.
Model's in front of a grey card to use to set the white balance.
Model's release form signed by model.
We talked about Phase one, this was the camera we used for training in the studio.
It is a very powerful camera and expensive, the lens is also expensive.
We always mount the camera on a tripod, this also helps for steady shots.
We also in class discussed Aperture, when the lens is opened wide, it allows more light, say F/8, F/11, F/16, F/22 and so on, depending on the camera lens that you have.
I am still trying to understand the exposure triangle.

We also discussed metering modes.
We went through the basics of how to set up our cameras for shooting.
We are told to always shoot on RAW because the file will be uncompressed.
Always keep the original RAW files.
Our white balance should always be on Auto.
Our ISO should always be as low as possible.
Shooting in daylight, 100 ISO.
Shooting indoors, 400 ISO starting point.
We also discussed FOCAL-LENGHT OF FIELD

The longer the focal length the narrower the angle of view and the higher the magnification 
We also discussed different types of lighting in the studio, here are a few diagrams.
This is lighting has a main front light and a back light.
This diagram has three lights, two from the sides and one back light.
This diagram also has a three-light source:
A key light.
A fill light
and back light.
Weekend Magazine

Weekend Magazine


Creative Fields