Magazine Production 
I like how it shows Tyler The Creator's unique style and the sub-headline "why everyone's taking notes form Tyler, the Creator"  because it incises you to read the magazine.

when taking the photo I would maybe lower the camera a bit to show more of the subjects body and his style.

It was shot outside, I think there was some fake light used just because of the lighting in the background but also because this photo was for a magazine, knowing the subject i feel like he dressed himself and did not have a stylist as this is a unique style of his.

what I like about this magazine is the simplicity of it, how the is nothing obstructing the image which allows the viewer to look at all the details of the photos. The minimalism of the Magazine in a way makes it more of a display pice the just a front cover.

The only thing that I might change is putting the bar code on the back of the magazine and not the front but I'm not sure if that is allowed.

The photo was shot outside using mostly natural lighting but i think they are using some artificial lighting because of the reflection on the windscreen.
what i like about this magazine cover is that its simple like the 2nd one but very detailed with the collage of different photos that made me chose this magazine cover.

As with the 2nd magazine i would change the bar code but I'm pretty sure you cant and would move the title and the magazine number in more so that they are not cut off the sides.

all of the photos are shot with the same background and same lighting which is coming form right side as i saw in one of the photos a shadow only coming for the right side.
How it works
What I learnt in my second weeks lesson is how cameras where first created and the evolution to the digital camera. I found out what is inside of a camera and how each component works to change what the final image will look like and finally I leant some important name that helped shape photography and the camera to where it is today.
With the manual settings on a camera I already knew how to use them but I didn't quite understand how the camera changes these setting so that was one of the key point that I took out of that lesson.
Magazine shooting

Weekend Magazine

Weekend Magazine


Creative Fields