v-motion is a abbrivation för "Varied Motion" and is a organisation a close friend of mine is developing. I hade an assignement att Uppsala Universitet to make a design profile, so I decided to make his design profile as a school project.

The company circles around having different physical activities rotating around a fixed schedule so that people not sure what to do become able to try different activities out and find something they like.

The logo is based on the idea of the three colours representing different disciplines. Variating and rotating around eachother and together forming one whole that is the company.
I chose Fabada as type mostly for its round and humble shapes, hoping to find a kind of movement in itself. 
I hope you like this. If you do, please show it in regards of a appreciation. 


v-motion is a brand created and developed by a good friend of mine Felix Rudfeldt. I took upon me to develop his design program for his idea.
