The planet Kreon is located in the constellation Treyo, approximate coordinates: right ascension α = 15h 25m; declination δ = - 11°13’. If you go to this planet, you will see mostly desert landscapes, full of sand and rocky soil and quite high mountains, among which lakes are hidden, surrounded by amazing plants. The fauna of the planet is diverse. You can find very large and small animals, and wonderful birds there. Sometimes you can meet predatory plants also, so please be careful. 
 In this illustration, you can see petilaxes - very large animals, inhabitants of the desert, which are approached by alteons - somewhat similar to birds.​​​​​​​

This is the small lake hidden among the Kreon’s mountains; you can often find these birds here - it’s easy to avoid being caught by predators.​​​​​​​

Sometimes you can see huge chthonic creatures during a volcano eruption as if they coming out of the womb of the Planet. And as ancient as the Planet is.

Flying through the desert, from the top you can see how the sand rises in some places. And on the surface there are huge serpentine animals - kerobes. Who knows what size they really are?

While walking around the planet, you can meet these giants. They are so large that they are unlikely to notice you, so you can take 
a photo. 

There are also swampy lakes on Кreon, often red-orange in color. And of course, you can often meet the swamp inhabitants.

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Planet Kreon


Planet Kreon
