This piece is the start of my classical art approach.
My own research for traditional art & old methods and an implementation of the great masters techniques.
I chose Caravaggio's Famous painting of Bacchus 
( Dionysus / god of wine )
I wanted my version of Bacchus to be different, not only by changing the composition. I decided to paint a goddess of wine.
Inspirations and work challenges:
Renaissance and Baroque paintings have always been of interest to me, in particular their methods of forming compositions, complex studies and encoded ideas within the work that reflected their beliefs and their way of thinking so I used similar techniques and researched several methods used in that era, that resulted in advancing to my Knowledge not only in the history of art, but also in the chemical nature of the oil paints and mediums,
Learned about new techniques and how can light penetrates painting layers to the very first layer if you mastered glazing technique

Reference & Inspirations Artworks

The different stages of the painting through time

Initially, I wanted to find a model for my project, it would much easer to set everything and just focus on painting, Nevertheless, that option was not available for me, I decided to draw myself.
I used Photoshop to clarify some ideas, but when it came to the lighting and cinematic Baroque effect I relied on my imagination, because in all the reference pictures the lighting was bad, and wasn’t unified this was one of the most challenging work process

I wanted to make some changes and add personal meanings, such as the ancient symbol of Air and the Gemini constellation will
be assembled like little stars on the face .
The star of Pollux which stand for the biggest and most shiny star in the Gemini horoscope will be where I sign my name
When I first designed my signature I chose Pollux as a sobriquet and wrote it in Phoenician alphabet upside down.​​​​​​​

Bacchus Painting


Bacchus Painting
