Erin Fry's profile

The Unfortunately Powered

The Unfortunately Powered
Name: Jace Holde
Power: super strength, but only in his left leg
Name: Anne Caster
Power: teleportation, but only two feet to the right

Episode #: Normal Day
Anne woke up to the sound of her watch alarm. The camera aimed at her face laying sideways on her bed as her eyes open from sleep. she sighs as she grabs her watch, which informs her of a purse being stolen a few blocks from her apartment. she rolls on her stomach and is suddenly out of her bed having teleported two feet to the right. she runs behind a curtain separating her bedroom from an unknown room. Seconds later she returns to the bedroom wearing a light gray costume with purple line going from her shoes to mid thigh. She wears a belt with pouches on it. Her suit has a purple arrow on the chest that points right. She open her bedroom window and looks down from where she stands on the second floor.

She quickly jumps out the window with her body leaning left. as she gets close to the ground she teleports to lose momentum and changes angles to land on her feet. after a second of checking the area around her she checks her watch again for the location on the purse stealer. Once the location is known, she aims her body right of the bleep on her watch and rapidly teleports until she reaches the scene.

She teleports beside the running thief and tackles him. he throws a punch at her but she teleports and trips him while he attempting to stand. A second later and masked person holds him down with his left leg. his suit is yellow with it turning red at his left hip heading down to his shoe. "I've got him under control until the cops get here. you go return the purse." Anne nods and grabs the purse teleporting to the location the report was made. Once arriving, she see a little old lady talking to the police. Anne walks up to the two. "Here is your purse, miss." The lady turns to her and grabs her purse and quickly thanks Anne. Anne smile and turns to run, but the officer quickly grabs her shoulder. "you aren't an official hero, who are you?" Before the police can say or do anything else, Anne quickly teleports out of his grip and returns to the place she caught the thief.

Once she arrives, she sees the thief being handcuffed by offices that turn to her at her arrive. "Hey!" she hears from two different voices. One from an officer running towards her and one from the hero that watched over the thief standing on top of a building, waving her to join him. Anne runs towards the building. jumping and turning. teleporting to scale the building before the other hero grabs her from midair. she grabs onto him and he kicks of the building, sending them flying through the air back towards her apartment.

"Quick catch this morning, Jace." she says as she teleports them to keep them in the air. "yeah, but the cops are only going to get more upset at us for not being official soon enough." she smiles at that. "you know they won't make us official, not with our powers." The two of them land on top of her roof. "I'm going back home and I'm taking a nap. it's too early." Jace says as he jump off her roof and waves. She walks back insides through the roof entrance and collapses on the bed, falling back asleep.  
The Unfortunately Powered


The Unfortunately Powered
