Anyone aimed to build a marketplace for 5-minute conversations, as a means to enable anyone to share their knowledge. The mission was to drive the "return of the phone call” - a response to the growing consultant industry of convoluted advice at a hefty cost. The concept of Anyone’s simplicity stands out when juxtaposed to platforms that offer countless forms of communication, which more often than not causes the user to waste unnecessary time trying to figure out the best way to reach out. The answer? Just call them and ask.

Designing a new color palette for Anyone was intrinsic to developing an updated architecture for the app. The core of Anyone is valued communication, which is dependent on feelings of trust, validation, and confidence, so the UI needed to facilitate those reactions for the user.
Pure white and black colors were replaced with soft beige and browns as a way to appear more welcoming. The entire palette evokes warmth, reiterating that users are in a judgement-free space that encourages asking for advice. This is a clear deviation from the sterile UI of the original design.

It was imperative to make advisors’ pictures the focal point of their profile. All the information a user may need is available: what language the advisor speaks, their time zone, rating, if they are currently online or not, and price- when the scheduling button is clicked, their availability is prominently displayed.

Anyone App

Anyone App
