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Things You Need to Consider Before IUI Treatment

5 Important Things You Need to Consider Before Undergoing an IUI Treatment

Intrauterine Insemination or IUI process is basically an artificial infertility treatment that has turned out to be very popular among couples who are not able to conceive even after several attempts.

During this process, sperm is directly placed into a uterus when a woman is ovulating. Since healthy sperms are only selected and cleansed, the chances of fertilizing the egg are increased. This further helps the couples facing the problem of getting pregnant.

In case, you are planning to undergo this treatment at the IUI centre in Nairobi then here 5 important things that you need to consider.

Who can undergo an IUI treatment?

IUI infertility treatment is mainly recommended for the following reasons:

• Couples of the same gender who wish to have a baby

• Couples suffering from medical problems like HIV infection

• Couples facing the problem of fertility or unexplained infertility

• Couples who are not able to consummate because of any kind of physical disabilities or injuries

• Females suffering from mild endometriosis

What you can expect during the IUI process

When compared to other infertility treatments, the IUI process is often painless and noninvasive while it also does not involve many medications in several cases.When a woman is ovulating naturally, this process is done.

In order to ensure ovaries mature and release multiple healthier eggs, IUI treatment is combined with ovarian stimulation drugs like HCG, FSH, and clomiphene citrate. This further helps in increasing the likelihood of insemination.

It is necessary for you to know that between the 12th and 16th day of the natural menstrual period or after checking the maturity of the egg through an ultrasound scan, an IUI procedure is conducted.

If you want to undergo this process and looking for the best doctor for IUI in Nairobi then at Myra IVF Centre you can meet Dr. Sarita Sukhija.

Complications of the IUI process

The process involves the placement of prepared sperm in the uterus of a woman. As a result, there are a few chances of complications. You might suffer from infection in the uterus or in the fallopian tubes due to the toxins.

However, if you want to save yourself from such kinds of complications then consult an experienced doctor and get the IUI procedure done at a well-known fertility clinic.

Cost and success rate of IUI treatment

Depending upon your condition, medicines, injections, and tests, the IUI cost in Mombasa is going to depend. However, this process is popular, safe, and cost-effective than other infertility treatments.

The success rate of IUI treatment is quite higher in younger women.

Essential tips for successful IUI treatment

• Stay away from stress as it will decrease the chances of conceiving

• Strictly avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol

• Drink a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated and remove toxins from the body

• Stay active and consume a healthy diet only

Therefore, these a few things that you need to keep in mind before undergoing an IUI treatment.
Things You Need to Consider Before IUI Treatment

Things You Need to Consider Before IUI Treatment


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