Laura Luciani's profile



An illustration project from my 1st semester of 2nd year at Vega University of Design. I wanted to upload this project to show progress as I do feel this project is lacking in certain areas such as the digital art could use improvement etc.

Theme: Re-imagining an Iconic South African Product
This brief requires the creation of an outdoor media promotional campaign of one of
their everyday South African products with at least three contact points (illustration size:
3 x A4 (portrait or landscape).
The company requires an upbeat approach to the marketing campaign by incorporating
either a conceptual or technical theme to their outdoor media campaign.
Goal of the outdoor media campaign is to increase product sales and instil brand

Paper-based illustrations which you transform to digital illustrations in Adobe Photoshop
at a later stage.
Project Outcomes:
★ Use the appropriate illustration technique (conceptual or technical) to
advertise a specific product
★ Combine traditional and digital media to create mixed-medi a product
★ Plan a mixed media illustration process for outdoor media
★ Communicate complex ideas and concepts through illustrations in
★ Select the most suitable visual semantics for an advertisement to
communicate an intended graphic message
★ Present work according to the programme’s presentation and
process document guidelines.
Creative Rationale

I chose a conceptual campaign to advertise this beauty product as conceptual adverts are
commonly used in the beauty industry (Gragert, 2020). The illustration style chosen for
this Campaign was an illustrated simple cartoon cute style. This style was aimed to imitate
and align with the style of previous Oh so Heavenly adverts as can be seen from my visual
research above figures 14 to 20 (Oh so Heavenly, 2020).

The colour palette used was
aimed to be the same as the oh so heavenly ‘ Mermaid at heart collection’ therefore the
colours are pink, blue and purple which are the same as the product collection as their ads
tend to mimic the product colour palette and also align with the target audience of young
adult and teen women (Oh so Heavenly, 2020).The medium chosen was watercolour
pencil crayons and digital as through my visual research their adverts seem to use
watercolour or pencil crayon as well as digital as can be seen in visual research figures
14,16,19 and 20 (Oh so Heavenly, 2020).

I chose these mediums to create brand
consistency as well as the fact that watercolour links with my theme of underwater while
giving a gentle, feminine, relaxed and mermaid like style to the campaign.
My concept for my campaign was mermaid sea treasures : each contact point featured a sea
treasure setting with the Oh so heavenly product being the ‘treasure’ .

The first scene
features an oyster and the product as a pearl, the second features a treasure chest with the
entire collection inside it being the treasure and lastly the product is featured on a
mermaid throne showing the product is special and enchanting.

Outdoor Contact points chosen for the target audience were a wall mural to stand out to
the target audience as they can take Instagram pictures in front of it as the target
audience is female teens and young adults this will grab their interest and help promote
oh so heavenly by having the girls take pictures in front of the wall mural and sharing it on
social media.

I chose a building billboard as well as pole banners so that the target
audience can see it while traveling to work, university, the shops or school when ever
they are driving they will see it .

I created consistency through having the same gradient background with scales and
sparkles and having the sea treasure theme and same colour palette throughout.
Variation was created by having a different type of sea treasure in each the oyster,
treasure chest and mermaid throne.

