Belle Vie is a fictious clothing that was created for environmentally conscientious women. The ficticious company strives to create clothing that is beautiful, comfortable, and healthy for the consumer. Belle Vie not only uses materials such as 100% organic cotton, but also, hemp, bamboo, and even soy product. This is a brand identity and tag system for the company.
There were several insprirational factors that played into the design of the logo.
First, inspired by the organic flavor of the company and its materials the logo was created to loosely resemble the skeleton of the bottom of a cotton plant. The plant is very closely related to, and often associated with, organic production everywhere. It is not only a sign for organic, but also a symbol for comfort, which every article of Belle Vie clothing has in mind.
The second inspiration was beauty. The most common symbolic form for beauty is that of the flower. The image that resembles the bottom of the cotton plant was also created with the petals of a rose in mind. The cotton and the rose are melded together in this way to show the interconnection between life, all natural, and beauty – the main motif of the company.
Thirdly, the Belle Vie logo can also be viewed as a lone tree, or bush, situated on a hilly-like landscape. This view of the symbol was kept in mind and created to show life, in the form of a tree, strength, and independence. Trees are strong plants that can live for hundreds of years and are often associated with the adjective wise, because of their age. The company caters to the needs of young, independent women, who can think for themselves, It considers those youthful women who purchase the clothing to be wise beyond their years and strong, beautiful creations of life.
Belle Vie

Belle Vie

Branding and tag design for a fictitious company called Belle Vie, that sells eco-friendly clothing to young women.
