Arrow is the project of a chair that yes
it consists of a few simple lines that start from the shape of the rectangle cut from its diagonal which corresponds to the support at the bottom.
Referring to the lines of the concept, the seat is composed at the top with the bench composed of a panel of phenolic plywood impregnated in order to guarantee adequate durability, supported by a joist obtained from the spruce lath bolted with 30 mm screws.
Below we find a space where you can insert objects while waiting, the space is cut by the diagonal of the rectangle composed of another panel of Phenolic Multilayer which is also adequately impregnated.
In addition to wanting to create a piece of furniture with only the material I had available; One of the themes I wanted to follow in
planning is to be able to give my contribution to this space, which is already so characteristic, with a few lines that do not affect the beauty of this place but that join it.

