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How to Design Your Inground Swimming Pool

How to Design Your Inground Swimming Pool for Your Dream Home
You’ve accomplished getting your dream home, but all it’s missing is an inground swimming pool. It can be expensive to design and build an inground swimming pool, but the costs are worth it when you consider the benefits. Designing a pool comes with far more pros than cons. 

How do you design an inground swimming pool to complement your dream home? This article covers the ins and outs of pool design.

Think Realistically in Terms of Size and Shape of an Inground Swimming Pool

Not everyone can have a backyard infinity pool with a waterfall runoff. Think realistically. The size and shape of your inground swimming pool should correlate with the size and shape of your backyard, leaving room to spare for future projects. Traditionally, a round pool with a deep end of 6 to 8 feet is common practice. 

Side note: Take the safety of children and animals into account. Add in a fence with a lock around the perimeter of your swimming pool when thinking of dimensions.
What are the Benefits of Having a Swimming Pool? 

Having a swimming pool at home comes with loads of great benefits, such as: 
It saves money since you don’t have to pay to go to a public pool or dole out cash for a gym membership to use their pool. 

When you get injured or have sore muscles, swimming helps heal you by being gentle enough to speed up recovery. 

There’s no age limit on pool swimming!

Swimming can help relieve stress, making it perfect for unwinding after a hard workday. 
What’s the Budget Range for Building an Inground Backyard Pool? 

The average swimming pool with a traditional size and shape will cost anywhere from $18,000 to $22,000. This depends on the type of swimming pool. Some people, once they find out the price of an inground swimming pool, opt for an above-ground swimming pool for around $5 grand. 

If You Ever Resell, Will it be Easier to Sell a Home with a Swimming Pool? 

The resale value of your home will go up when you add a swimming pool to your property. However, the ease of a sale is entirely different and based on where you live. Some homeowners see a swimming pool as a drain on their time because of the responsibility, whereas others will love having a swimming pool for their families. 

Designing a swimming pool can be challenging but rewarding in that the pool becomes part of your dream home. It’s the whole package. Simply bear in mind that the design and build process can take months to complete, so patience is key. 
How to Design Your Inground Swimming Pool

How to Design Your Inground Swimming Pool


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