Project: Cider versus Beer Infographic for LoveToKnow. Hero image a combination of stock vector images. Arrange the information in an interesting and easy to understand format. Skills: Line, Color, Space, Typography, Balance.
Program: Adobe Illustrator
Project: Types of Lucky Turtles in Feng Shui Infographic for LoveToKnow. Stock photos of turtles arranged with descriptions. Skills: Color, Space, Balance, Hierarchy.
Program: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Project: Figurative Language Styles Infographic for YourDictionary. Find stock vector images for each definition, arrange in a clear & easy to comprehend format. Skills: Line, Color, Space, Typography, Balance.
Program: Adobe Illustrator
Project: Series of 3 Infographics for Gaming Technology for WordFinder. Find stock vector images for each infographic, arrange in a clear, interesting & easy to comprehend format. Skills: Line, Color, Space, Typography, Balance.
Program: Adobe Illustrator
Project: Series of Infographics for about Wasting Time at Work for WordFinder. Find stock vector images for each infographic, arrange in a clear, interesting & easy to comprehend format. Skills: Line, Color, Space, Typography, Balance.
Program: Adobe Illustrator
Project: Infographic for Chicago-Notes bibliography.
Program: Adobe Illustrator
Project: Infographic for APA Style bibliography.
Program: Adobe Illustrator
Project: Infographic for bibliography referencing a PowerPoint presentation.
Program: Adobe Illustrator

Project: Infographic for writing a closing for a business letter.
Program: Adobe Illustrator


