The final blue dress. This dress was where i struggled the most, it had so many different variations (as seen below) and it took a lot of experimenting and redesigning to get it just right. In the end i made an entirely new dress from different shades of blue, used part of the corset from the first look and then cute the freehand embroidery out from the sleeves and attached it to the garment. After all this i was able to step ack and recognise it as something part of a collection. the tulle used in all three dresses brought them together.
Before adding the reused embroidery.
Mock up using different parts of the old garment.
Asymmetrical top made from two old shirts. I really like the clashing patterns here, both are so subtle that they work.
Cut corset to be used on the outcome.
First mock up of the new dress, using a range of found fabrics that I felt went with the feeling of the colour blue.
At this point I was really stuck for how to improve this dress. Everything I did seemed to look the same, everyone who saw it thought the same. This time I tried repurposing the skirt from and old wedding dress. My plan was to use watered down screen printing ink to paint the white fabric with different patterns. I was also going to use disperse dyes on the dress, painting bubble like shapes. However this did not go to plan as the skirt was just far too big to do any of these things successfully. The fabric also held the ink a strange way, soaking up the water meaning the designs bled everywhere.
Trying to make a different skirt from two way stretch fabric - the colour was far too strong and the look wasn't going in the right direction.
I had taken a step back from this dress and realised it was not looking how it needed to. There was something not right about the shape, the mixture of fabrics and even the corset was beginning to look "off" to me. I decided to start re-making the skirt.
The skirt used in the photoshoot.
I was really happy with how this corset came out. The sleeves looked amazing, it was time to make the skirt.
Using freehand embroidery to embellish the sleeves.
Corset before adding bias binding.
First draping of the blue dress. This is what inspired me to make a corset.
Blue Dress

Blue Dress
