Melting Pot: Stories and Recipes from a Chinese American Daydreamer is a memoir-infused cookbook by Samantha Mui

Samantha was taking a DIY approach to producing a cookbook when we first met to discuss her project. She needed a cookbook that met industry standards and didn’t scream “self-published”. Considering her goals of reaching a larger audience through online sales and bookstores we set out to level up what she had started.

This highly collaborative project began with a story and a lot of recipes. Working with a developmental editor, copy editor, and food editor we brought focus to Samantha’s manuscript. Finding inspiration in her story I found an aesthetic balance of youthful yet sophisticated. Samantha’s mission is to empower millennials in the kitchen, so it was important that the recipes were presented in both form and function as simple and irresistible. The layout was designed following a strict grid system, strong typesetting relationships, and full-page photography. Along with designing the book and shooting the dishes, I also managed the production and publishing of the book. 

Melting Pot is now available online through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, and more. It’s also sold in local California Bay Area bookstores Omnivore Books and Green Apple Books. Samantha went on to compete on Food Network’s Supermarket Stakeout and was a runner up. She continues to share her story through social media and blogging.

Melting Pot — Cookbook


Melting Pot — Cookbook
