Baptiste Gourgouillon's profile

The most Beautiful French Words

The Most Beautiful French Words

Les plus beaux mots de la Langue Française
Which has the hardness or brilliance of diamond
Amaranth is a lighter purple colour than burgundy. Its name comes from the amaranth flower, whose name means "does not wilt".
Mythical bird, of happy omen at sea (where it announced the calm of the Alcyonian days)
A concert given in the open air, around dawn, at someone's door or window.
A kind of rich and elegant skirt worn by Basque and Spanish women.
A small flat-bottomed transport vessel used on rivers, canals and roadsteads.
Flattery to win the heart; charms, pleasures.
An embroidery or braid ornament on a garment. A dress trimmed with brandebourgs
Originally, refers to a certain type of Greek statue, where Venus lifts her peplos to admire her posterior. 
Said of a statuary that used gold and ivory simultaneously. (Greek antiquity especially.)
The word "Codicil" is a term used in notarial practice to refer to provisions that amend a previous will or contain clarifications or new provisions that were not in the original document.
Cyclothymia is a mood disorder on the bipolar spectrum in which euphoric periods and periods of depression and irritability follow each other in rapid cycles
Which allows light rays to pass through it without distinguishing the shape of the objects
Catholic festival that commemorates the manifestation of Jesus as a child to the Magi who came to worship him.
Which casts a bright and quick glow
Meat stew, especially poultry
Fresh and light, easy and pleasant to drink
Which has iridescent reflections
Which looks like milk
State of vague sadness accompanied by reverie
Greatness in generosity

Person of vulgar taste, closed to arts and letters, to novelties
Capacity, ability to make an unexpected discovery by chance and to understand its usefulness (scientific, practical)
Contract killer who offers or makes available to his clients talents to assassinate a person for a fee.
Informer; spy
Female aerial genius full of grace
Justification of the divine goodness by refuting the arguments drawn from the existence of evil
Curvature (of a vault, of an arch)
The most Beautiful French Words

The most Beautiful French Words
