Tomasz Daniec's profile

Compulsive film shots / chapter XI / Liban

Compulsive film shots / chapter XI / Liban

chemical photography


One of the creepiest, most forgotten places in Kraków, the Liban Quarry should first and foremost be a place of remembrance for the victims of the Nazi labour camp that operated here during Kraków's WWII occupation. The site lies in overgrown abandon today is slowly being taken by nature. During Nazi occupation, Liban was set-up as a cruel penal camp from 1942
to 1944 performing forced labour.
In 1993 Steven Spielberg used Liban as the set of all the scenes from Schindler's List that take place in the Płaszów concentration camp. Not wanting to use the nearby site of the camp itself out of respect, it must have taken little imagination on his part to settle upon Liban. During filming barracks and watchtowers were set-up around the quarry, and though most of the set was subsequently removed, some traces remain confusingly mixed with the genuine historical leftovers from the war.
The Krakus Mound towers over the quarry. The time of its creation is not exactly dated,
but it is known that it is a barrow mound from the period between the 7th and 9th centuries, associated with the legendary prince Krak - the founder of the city.


camera: Minolta Autocord I
lens: Rokkor 1:3.5 f=75mm
film: Kodak Tri-x 400 +2

camera: Minolta XE
lens: MC Tele Rokkor 1:2.8 f=135mm
film: expired Fuji Eterna 250D

camera: Minolta Vectis UC
lens: Minolta 25mm 1:4
film Kodak Advantix 200 APS expired 11.2008

camera: Zorki 1
lens: Industar-61 2.8/52
film: expired Kodak Elitechrome 400 -1

exposed: November 2020


Compulsive film shots / chapter XI / Liban

Compulsive film shots / chapter XI / Liban
