These are the few Illustration I did over the years with pencil color,water color as well as digitally.
In this illustration the thought behind was to merge an animal and a cartoon character which have similar traits and produced a illustration out of it. Here, an american flamingo and pink panther posses the few similar traits such as long neck, long pink legs and webbed pink feet with three toes, both are hairy and pink in color. 
In this illustration I wanted to reflect the culture of Kerala.
Work From Home OR Work For Home? 
A series of illustrations I did during Lock down. This is inspired by the events happened in my house. The main thought behind was the scenario in every house during the Lock down from struggling between working from home and then work for home.
Peace An illustration that was made while keeping the situation of COVID-19. When everybody was dealing with the negativity around. This was made while keeping the positive side in mind that we need to see the brighter side. To stay healthy and be grateful of what you have.
Sleeping Pill




Creative Fields