During the 25 days of World Cup, 12 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 50 wounded.
70 Ukrainian political prisoners, including film director Oleg Sentsov, are still in Russian jails. One of the stadiums is less than 150 km from occupied territories and an undeclared war zone. While watching the World Cup final, think about how the attention needed towards preventing the torture of these prisoners, has been re-directed and covered up by a sporting event.

Amnesty International public statement: amnesty.org/download/Documents/EUR4685552018ENGLISH.pdf
More information: letmypeoplego.org.ua/resources​​​​​​​

Idea, cinematography, postproduction by Ivanka Kate Yakovyna
Music by Giovanni Bottan
July, 2018

Courtesy of Fabrica research center, Treviso, Italy.

Ivanka Kate Yakovyna is a young filmmaker and artist from Ukraine, currently at Fabrica. She studied at the National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture and attended the first Kyiv-based residence for young artists, Kyiv A-I-R.
She participated in The School of Image and Evidence, which was a part of The School of Kyiv in the Kyiv Biennial 2015. As a result of her work there, she took part in the group exhibition “Sentsovs Camera” at the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, Germany.

WAR CUP, 2018