Nils Heitmann's profile

Masked Portraits - Book

masked portraits. 

What gave me the idea? For me, it was clear that my next major print project had to be a challenge for me and my personality. Above all, the project should force me out of my comfort zone and take a step into the unknown. After a lot of back and forth, I had the brilliant idea - why not take portraits of strangers? And at the same time capture the uniqueness of the Corona pandemic and express gratitude to the people who contribute to the common good by wearing their masks.

The motivation for the project came from reaching out to strangers, jumping over one‘s own shadow, and in the end creating a unique project. Nevertheless, it was a project that challenged me and showed me new ways to approach a photo series differently.
I would like to personally thank all the people I was able to convince to take a photo, without the cohesion and togetherness this project would not have been feasible. 

Masked Portraits - Book

Masked Portraits - Book
