Niki Lesniak's profile

Métamatic Reloaded

This was a print design project done as a part of my Master's Thesis. It was a poster for an exhibition opening at the Museum Tinguely in Basel, Switzerland. The poster is for an exhibit about art and machines, and it is created by running a script in InDesign. 
A poster with a lot of pieces to be represented and a complex message to be told. 
Above: Phase 1 posters, entirely made by the script.
Below: Another experiment with the script to break the sentence into larger pieces, to see how less lines would look.
Above: A redrafted poster, the exhibit info was no longer randomly placed by the script.
By request of the curator the names of the artist became the main focal point of the poster.
Final Draft selected by the curator.
Museum Tinguely
Isabella Paluch-Cook, Lisa Roessler,  and Alex Tinsley
This project was done as a part of my Master's Thesis. 
The Museum Tinguely in Basel, Switzerland is named and inspired by the artist Jean Tinguely. The museum was preparing for a new exhibit that showcased ten artist with ten unrelated projects. The challenge of the poster was to create a poster that represented all the artist without giving emphasis to any single artist. 
The solution I found was to use a script in Indesign that would create the poster. The script would place the names of the artist, and then draw a line from each name that would connect the randomly placed words of a sentence which described the artist's project on display. The script would also randomly place, size, and select the font; for the Exhibtion title, Date, and website. 
This solution was conceptual strong because it matched the inspiration of Jean Tinguely and the goal of the exhibit (to show the intersection of art and technology). The viewer could gain information from the poster when viewed close up, but from a distance the poster was visually similar to the works produced by Tinguely's drawing machines. 
Basil JS, Adobe InDesign, ExtendScript Toolkit
Métamatic Reloaded

Métamatic Reloaded

Poster created entirely from coding in Indesign.
