Papernapkin Concept for a Lifestyle App for the Windows Phone
Do you realize that as your life rolls on from one busy, stressful day to the next, and while you are coping up with meetings, job targets and cares of the world, your life is passing you by? What happened to all those dreams you had as a kid?...that red Ferrari...that luxury holiday in Hawaii...?....You FORGOT your DREAM!
'WinURlyf' is a 'win'(dows) app that brings those 'out of sight, out of mind' dreams of yours back to you! Experts say that visualization is key to achieving anything starting from your dream job, to your dream life partner...the key is to keep your dreams in sight!
What this cool app does - 
Helps create a dynamic collage on your phone's homescreen, to which you can add text, images, doodles, even inspirational quotes!if you like, as powerful visual reminders of your bigger goals in life! (The name of the app plays on how your windows phone can become your ally in ‘winning’ your aspired dreams)
You can 'mind map' all your long term and short term life priorities in a nutshell...and track how close you are to each ‘dream’ just clicking on it, and checking the 'progress graph'. You can set priorities to each dream, map them across a time vs. desire/intensity graph and see for yourself how you are doing with respect to each dream. What is really fundamentally effective is the holistic overview you get of your life and where you are headed. These insights then, could help you plan your future more effectively!
The Concept:
The user has a dynamic home screen with hovering ‘thought clouds’ that hold visual reminder of your ‘dream’/ aspiration  (e.g. ‘Travel to Hawaii’, ‘Be 100 lbs’, etc.). These images are personal and/or taken from the web. One can add text and sport their latest status update on the primary display screen of their windows phone.
The Features
Now, the fun part is, these thought clouds have a smiley ‘notify me’ (:)) icon that, when clicked can connect you to the best possible ways you can get closer to your dream via the internet, starting from best vacation deals to most appropriate calorie calculators and diet charts.Inbuilt progress graphs help you keep track of progress towards your goals, and the clouds acquire a ‘silver lining’ proportionate to your nearness to that coveted goal!
Among top 100 concepts selected for the Fast Track to the Mobile App contest floated by Microsoft and Core77


WinURlyf! - concept app to dynamically track an individual's long term goals
