Illustrations 2013
Role  Illustrator
Clients  Personal, Holler, LEA
Studios/Agencies  Digital Eskimo, Holler and Freelance
Random and rubbish illustrations (and a bit of typography) I've done throughout the year.
Below is an Astro Boy piece I did for a friend—you can check out the process of it here.
And here's a concept piece I did for a redesign of Healthy Harold. You can view the full project here.
Some concpet pieces for a pub sign we were going to have installed in the Holler offices.
And finally a whole cast of characters I created for a Golden Crumpets pitch, you can check out the rest of the illustrations here.
You can follow and keep up to date with my work on TwitterDribbble and
Instagram, or check out my portfolio and journal.
Illustrations 2013


Illustrations 2013

Random illustrations I've done throughout the year.
