"Beauty Within" is a representational art. The piece is an assemblage sculpture made out of wire, plants, clay, hot glue, and stones. The world has set some standards to consider someone beautiful; because of these standards, everyone's forgetting about the beauty that lives inside us. It is about the cliche saying that "don't judge a book by its cover." The piece encourages everyone to remove those unbelievable standards when it comes to beauty and just focus on a person's personality. Everyone's hiding their true self just to fit in with everybody. The artwork wants to motivate everyone to break those masks and unleash the beauty within.

The artist has been insecure about his appearance, but as time goes by, he realizes that it doesn't matter what he looks like; what matters is his personality. This experience is the inspiration for the artwork. The artist wants everyone to realize that true beauty is within your heart. 

The artist wants the audience to realize that outer beauty is nothing when a person's personality is hideous. The piece wants the audience to feel appreciated and help remove all their insecurities about their appearance. Everyone should be accepted the way they are, and no one should be discriminated against just because they look different. There is no beauty without strangeness and remember that your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful.

"Beauty Within" aims to be a message that beauty without substance is like a rock pretending to be gold. The artwork wants to be a symbol of acceptance and appreciation. The piece aims to be a reminder that the beauty standards made by humans are nothing to be worried about. The world experiences a lot of problems; beauty and appearance shouldn't be one of those problems. Like what Kahlil Gibran stated, "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is the light in the heart." 

Beauty Within

Beauty Within
