Galactus' Donut, 2021
Oil on canvas
30 x 40 inches
This artwork stands as the inaugural piece of a series entitled "Welcome to Inglewood," an ode to the City of Champions, Inglewood California. Each painting within the series portrays notorious comic book villains inflicting terror upon beloved Inglewood landmarks. These characters symbolize the pervasive societal ills which plague the city, including homelessness, homicide, corruption, and the rampant effects of gentrification.

The Welcome to Inglewood series pays tribute to the city's iconic landmarks, such as Randy's Donuts, while also highlighting the darker aspects of its reality. Through the use of comic book villains, the series serves as a metaphor for the societal issues that plague Inglewood, such as homelessness, murder, corruption, and gentrification. This particular artwork features the villain Galactus, a colossal entity that feeds on planets to sustain his life force. Accompanying him is his herald, the Silver Surfer, who scouts out suitable planets for Galactus to consume. The painting depicts Galactus in the act of preparing to devour Earth, while Silver Surfer rides the cosmic waves above him.
CLose- ups
The Silver Surfer is a an humanoid alien with metallic skin who surfs through time and space seen in this close up.
The height of Galactus manipulates the perspective of him reaching to devour Earth but also devises like he's reaching for the donut.
About 3 to 4 layers were painted from top to bottom to enrich the details on this painting.
The cosmic storm sets the mood for the dramatic reaching of the hand; While the shine radiating from the hand heightens lights and shadows. The cold and dark color palette used for the armor compliment the tone.
The donut went through many transitions and each refinement enhanced the detail in the structure and feel of the donuts composition through texture.
The process
Crafting a personal series by merging my admiration for comic book villains with a profound affection for my hometown, instills me with the passion to create exceptional paintings while conveying my unique perspective.
COnclusion video
Galactus' Donut

Galactus' Donut
