the Labelmaker Wine Branding's profileJordan Jelev, cell 00359887323000's profile

Orbelia Pet Nat Label Design

This is probably one of the funniest and hilarious project ever done by me – maybe equally crazy to Lozeto.
It’s a design I was commissioned to create for a Pet Nat produced by Orbelia winery.
We did not do any brief about this project – all was decided in a short lunch break at the Doctor’s Garden in Sofia.
All we wanted was something very fresh, very colorful, yet memorable and of course full with emotions.
I really got my inspiration after this meeting and I did more then 5 completely different designs for Pet Nat. We picked the best and most provocative one as it reflects the philosophy behind Pet Nat wines.
Farty is our cute Pet. He doesn’t simply farts – he plays music & poetry while farting. He’s our good friend and probably most artistic Pet ever. He is also a true pet – real homeboy with real socks!!! He is fun, joy, colors and emotions. He is everything you could feel when you taste our Pet Nat.
But wait – remember I told you we wanted a colorful Pet Nat label design?
Well there it is – our friends from Daga Printing house did their best so they printed the whole run in 6 different background colors. Now when you order a case of 6, you will get each one in different color!!!
Last but not least this Pet Nat is made of one of he most interesting indigenous grape varieties in Struma Valley, Bulgaria – Sandanski Misket – which makes this beverage even more unique & special.
Enjoy the bubbles, don’t get the dog loose, drink responsibly!!!

Orbelia Pet Nat Label Design

Orbelia Pet Nat Label Design

Pet Nat label design for Orbelia winery by the Labelmaker, see full story here: Read More
