HKUST Posvibes's profile

30A Precious Plastic Art Project

Precious Plastic Art Project
In Fall 2020, Art Program students-initiated a project called Precious Plastic to Art, they propose to introduce an on-campus plastic recycling technology to repurpose plastic waste into versatile materials for arts and design. They joined the Smart Campus Student Competition (SSC) and became 1 of the 5 winning groups with popular votes from HKUST members and SSC Committee members.
“We aim to turn discarded plastics collected in HKUST into various ornaments, such as mosaic art and jewellery pieces,” said Jacky Lo, year 2 IPO student, also the project leader of the team. “We hope to beautify our campus while raising awareness towards consumption habits and ultimately make sustainability part of our identity.”

The Precious Plastic to Art team wish to
(1) arouse public awareness of upcycling at HKUST,
(2) foster creativity & community engagement and
(3) build an artistic campus.​​​​​​​
(1) A plastic recycling workspace will be set up for collecting unwanted plastic as 
     raw materials for 3D printing and art supplies.
(2) Students collect plastic waste on campus together.
(3) Students will work with staff, alumni, artist professionals to create art pieces on 
     campus together (e.g., statue, plastic products & mosaic wall).
Support this project & take action now!
We are now collecting unwanted plastic bottle caps in HKUST!
Every week, our team bring these wastes to the lab and shred them into pieces for making artworks. The team is organizing monthly beach clean-up and plastic bottle caps collection event and on-going upcycling plastic art workshops. Please take part in our beach clean-up and collection events! If you wish to support our plastic art workshops to cultivate innovative ability, building a clean and artistic campus together, please contact 
[] (Attn: Precious Plastic to Art Team).
30A Precious Plastic Art Project

30A Precious Plastic Art Project


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