The building site in Atlanta Midtown geographical coordinates are at 33 N and 84 W. The space, and location has reinvented Brunner's Brand position in Atlanta. We deveopled the facets, and angles in the walls, and ceilings from these angles (33N, 84W) to elevate the idea that changing ones perspective allows for creative problem solving.
Rendering - Entry
The architecture was developed with angles, and facets that allow for shadows, and texture to work to gether to become art within the space. The circulation of the space allows for natural light, interaction, and discovery.
Rendering - Reception
Social - Break Room
Rendering - Break Room
Informal Meeting Space
Living Room
The teaming rooms become separate portals that transport and stimulate new ideas. Each teaming room is designed around different envirnoments for inspiration. The space fosters creative thinkers, and celebrates Brunner as a creative ad agency.
Visitor Bar
Perkins + Will Atlanta Office
Design Team: Meena Krenek, P!ng Wong


The vision for this 10,000 SF ad agency office was to create a space that supports a high energy envirnoment where fresh creative solutions are d Read More
