Breathing Wall is a wall integrated air cleaning system concept which pulsates and changes shapes as it cleans the air. It can be customized to suit individual needs as it also scents the air you breathe and changes color according to your choice. You can take great relax by various indoor environments.
How did I come up with this idea - In today's busy urban life, people are very stressed. Research show that feeling our own breathing at watching another organism breathe. Make us relax. My concept brings this idea into the home.
What is the inspiration for the design - The inspiration for the design is the movements of the gills of fish, because the movement clearly shows feeling of breathing by natural and organism shape. We can learn the best way how to breathe through the wall movement.
what is the innovative thingking of breathing wall - Breathing wall is a new market share between arictectecture and product. Our future needs the new paradigm for natural life style among the product and space and human.


A Wall integrated air cleaning concept 3rd prize winner of Electrolux Design Lab 2013, Oct. 2013
