Joshric Aurea's profileArnelle Sambile's profile

lovebirds App Concept — Protothon presentation

lovebirds is a an app concept by Joshric Aurea and Arnelle Sambile
created for the Dubstech 2021 Protothon

Similar to a hackathon, the Dubstech Protothon was a 24 hour team-based project.
Participants were given several prompts and tasked with coming up with a unique concept to solve the issues.
Our team decided on the Valentine's Day prompt which asked for participants to 
mitigate the feelings of loneliness and high expectations from couples in long distance relationships.

With our 24 hours, we began tackling the prompt by creating a Google Survey.
From there, we observed the recorded data, created User Stories, and identifies Pain Points.
Eventually, we came up with the solution of lovebirds— an app meant to close the distance between lovers.

Below is our original Google Slides presentation:

Check out the Adobe XD Prototype

Below are our animated mockups of the lovebirds app. Unfortunately, Google Slides was unable to export a .gif

Thanks for Watching!

lovebirds App Concept — Protothon presentation

lovebirds App Concept — Protothon presentation

lovebirds is an app concept stemming from the Dubstech 2021 Protothon. To mitigate the loneliness, high expectations, miscommunication, and overa Read More
