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PANDEMIC MOODS Kinetic Typography Series

These are experiments in kinetic typography I created using code in Processing. Each piece captures my current pandemic lockdown moods which, needless to say, haven't been great!!! But learning new design skills has been a fun and motivating distraction.
HIGH ANXIETY — this one has interactivity built in with the mouse ... moving the mouse around causes the type to move around the composition and the layers to become more and more hectic and out of joint. The background image also warps and jumps around based on mouse movements. One of the elements I find most exciting about creative coding is that allows one to create dynamic compositions that shift and change based on user interaction.
The original composition had red text, but I changed the color palette to all black and white using Lumetri in Adobe Premiere. 
I AM DISINTEGRATING — the animation:
Here's some stills from a previous iteration of FALLING APART AT THE SEAMS — the animation didn't flow as smoothly as I wanted, but the individual frames looked great as stationary compositions, so I kept them.
OUT OF FOCUS — another experiment with interactive type (the red dot is the cursor).
NO FOCUS — an iteration based on OUT OF FOCUS. I wanted to continue exploring typographic designs where the legibility shifts and warps based on user interaction. Also, I had a sudden inspiration of "how about type ... made of smaller type???" that I wanted to try out.
PANDEMIC MOODS Kinetic Typography Series

PANDEMIC MOODS Kinetic Typography Series
