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Mothers from Great indian Mythology and History

Mothers and their kids from Great Indian Mythology and History
“Mother Kausalya and Rama”

“The Spirit of sacrifice”

Mother Kausalya is known for her spirit of sacrifice, acceptance and patience in the story of Ramayana. Kaushalya, the first Queen of King Dasharath of Ayodhya and Mother of Lord Rama.
She immensely loved and cared for her son. Lord Rama Had huge respect for his mother. Kausalya accepted other two wives of her husband Dasaratha, when he remarried without any envy. When Bharata (Kaikeyi's son) was announced as the King of Ayodha instead of her son, Lord Rama, she accepted it without hating Bharata.She waited patiently for fourteen years for Lord Rama’s return, and then became the “King of Ayodhya”​​​​​​​
“Mark of love and care” 

Sunayana was the queen of Mithila and the non-biological mother of Sita. One day, King Janaka found baby Sita in a Golden casket under the furrow in a ploughed field. Janaka and Sunayana adopted the baby and raised her as their own daughter.Sunayana,showered Sita with her profound affection and motherly love. Sunayana continued to love Sita even after having her biological 
daughter, Urmila.​​​​​​​
Sita and her sons (Lava and Kusha)

“Figure of courage, determination and purity”

Sita is the wife of lord Rama.Sita determinately raised her twin sons, Lava and Kusha very well even as a single mother. She was left by her husband Lord Rama. She taught them the story of Rama’s life with all the respect. She raised her sons wise and brave with all the moral values in valmiki’s ashram. She stood strong and courageous against all the odds she faced in her life.​​​​​​​
Anjana Devi and Hanuman 

“Act of Selfless devotion and dedication”

Anjana Devi is the mother of Hanuman. It is believed that due to a Curse from her previous birth she was reborn on earth as a vanara princess 
and married Kesari, a vanara Chief. There are stories in the mythology that states how dedicatedly she prayed and the Lord was impressed by her dedication and devotion, blessed her with a son.​​​​​​​
Yashodha and Krishna 

“Unalloyed Infinite Love and care”

Yashoda was a non-biological mother of Lord Krishna. Yashoda and Krishna are one 
of the most cherished and celebrated mom and son duo. Yashoda’s bond with Krishna
is very special and there are several stories of lord Krishna Leela’s where mother Yasodha 
plays a vital role. The stories well potrays the characteristics of mother Yasodha, how 
much she loved and cared for Krishna, how she handles the naughty little krishna and 
friends. The divine lord , himself is carried away by the purity, love, innocense and devotion of a mother
Kanchanamala and Meenakshi 

“Symbol of Sincerity and Sacredness”

Kanchanamala was the mother of Goddess Meenakshi and wife of Madurai’s king Malayadhwajan. Kanchanamala was a devotee of Godess Parvathi. The King and Queen had everything, but no childreen. They were unhappy about it. Hence a Guru advised the couple perform a Yagna, and they did
it with utmost sincerity. To their astonishment,a three year old baby girl appeared on the holy fire, walked out and sat on the lap of Kanchanamala. They accepted the 
the child and raised her with all the love and care. It is believed that Goddess Meenakshi was a born to the Couple because of a Boon that the Queen Kanchanamala
carried on from her previous birth 

Parvathi and Muruga 

“ Source of Power, Beauty, Fearlessness and Equality”

Parvathi is the wife of Lord Shiva and mother of both Ganesha and Murugan. There are several stories in the puranas with respect to the birth of Lord Muruga
also known as Karthikeya/Skanda. The Goddess Parvati, being the divine symbol of motherhood,also represents other qualities like supremacy, beauty, fearlness,self-respect and equality.​​​​​​​
Lalitha Devi and Balatripura Sundari 

“Glory of Divine Power”

Lalitha Devi or Tripura Sundari is one of the avatars of Goddess Parvathi. The word Tripura is the Three states of Consciousness. Bala Tirupura Sundari or Ashoka Sundari is the daughter of Tripura Sundari and she was created from the Kalpavriksha. The Goddess was feeling lonely, and when Lord Shiva took her to Nadhavana, the Goddess wished a daughter to the wish fullfilling tree or Kalpavriksha. The tree granted her a daughter thus fullfilled the wish of the Goddess.​​​​​​​
Jijabai and Shivaji 

“Epitome of Boldness, Beauty and Bravery ”

“Veer Mata” / “Raja Mata” Jijabai Shahaji Bhosale was the mother of Chatrapati Veer Shivaji. She faced lot of difficulties in her life, but she stood strong and Courageous. Shewas a bold and beautiful warrior. She was very good at planning 
strategies and decision makingShe had eight children, later her husband abadonned 
her. She dint fall down, she was bold enough and raised her children singlehandedly. She imbibed great qualities into Shivaji, she raised him as great warrior by telling brave stories and the importance of Social welfare. She loved her son beyond
everything but she dint stop sending him to wars and battles.​​​​​​​
Rani Lakshmi bai and Damodar Rao 

“Rebelious and unflinching fighting spirit”

Rani Lakshmi (Manikarnika - original name) known as Jhansi Rani was one of the rebelious women warriors of the country. She lost her mother at very young age. She was married to Gangadhar Rao. The couple had a child Damodar Rao, and the baby died at 4 months. The couple then adopted another baby Anand Rao and renamed him to Damodar Rao. But soon after adoption and her husband died and 
hence the Britishers didnot recognise the adoption. To Save the Jhansi from the British, she decided to fight, she strapped her child on to her back and lead a war against them. She fought to her maximum, and unfortunately lost the war. This brave act of her was very much recognisedand we can see statues of Jhansi bai with her baby at her back riding on a horse.​​​​​​​
Velu Nachiyar and Vellachi Nachiyar

“Rising like a Phoenix” 

Veera Mangai “Very Nachiyar” was a Queen from South india who bravely fought against the British. Velu Nachiyar was a single child to her parents, at her young age itself she was trained in martial arts, horse riding, archery etc. She was married to 
Muthuvadugananthur Udaiyathevar. The couple had a daughter “Vellaci Nachiyar”.The stories from the Indian history tells us that how she escaped from the British with her daughter in hand in the very curicial situation, after her husband’s death. 
After years she setup an army against British and fought.
Mothers from Great indian Mythology and History

Mothers from Great indian Mythology and History

Mothers from Great indian mythology and history
