Here is some of my work done for academic projects
In the course of our Creative Development Process module, we were given a brief where the Advertising Objective was to make gold attractive to 18 - 32 year old urban, upper to upper middle class, modern females who do not consider gold fashionable. 

Our brainstorming sessions led to a beautiful insight about females, who, since the beginning of time have been considered as someone who can withstand immense pain (biologically and mentally both) simultaneously having the incredible ability to hide it. To hide her feelings, her true emotions. All this lead us to the insight;
"Just because it suits well, doesn't mean it isn't heavy"
We aim to make the young females believe that - Tanishq knows that things might get heavy sometimes but to not let them weigh her down, for she knows that the lightness is within her.

'The light is you' campaign was spread across mediums like Digital, Print as well as TVC.

Here is the copy and visual treatment of the TVC that I worked on.


As a part of our Copywriting Module, we were given a task to come up with a jeans brand. The brief required us to target millennials and Gen Z who are creative young professionals, who value authenticity, are localists and live on the diet of approval and feedback.  

Presenting, NIVI.

Academic Projects

Academic Projects
