Bland, VA 2014

My first visit to Bland was in November 2014. These shots were all made during walks contemplating my life and where I was heading. Because of that I have a strong connection to these images. 
It's funny how our photographs can hold not just the memory of the place but also our emotional state at the time. Sometimes I feel like I am stuck. But is that true? Revisiting these images takes me back and makes me realise just how far I have come, both as a photographer and a person.
I am not saying that I am unhappy with these images, actually I am quite happy with them. They prove to me how important it is to connect with a Higher Self, whether we call it God or something else. Creation is given to us at birth. And to create is to connect with something greater than ourselves. 
Photography is the love of my life. I need to nourish this relationship just like I need to do with the relationships I have with the people I love. To nourish oneself you need to slow down and truly experience the here and now. These shots were done in such a state of mind, hence my appreciation for them.

Sometimes I doubt what I am doing. This is human and healthy, but I have a tendency to assign negative emotions to this doubt. I am going through a phase where I am looking deeper into my self doubt and realising that it has been a great teacher and ally. 

Self doubt becomes unhealthy when it stops us from creating and/or sharing our love with the rest of the world.
Bland VA, 2014

Bland VA, 2014

Photographs and thoughts from Bland, VA


Creative Fields